Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Increase Sperm Count and Volume with Zinc:

Zinc deficiency can lead to low libido or sex drive, and can even affect the health of your sperm negatively thereby affecting your fertility. Besides, Zinc is also highly important for testosterone production, semen production as well as sperm count.

Zinc has been shown in studies to increase sperm count greatly. Zinc is extremely important for the production of testosterone which not only regulates sex drive and erectile function but also helps build sperm. Zinc causes an increased semen production that increases the pleasure of ejaculation and makes you enjoy intense orgasms.

Under clinical trials it has been observed that when sub fertile men are give zinc and folic acid supplements, they experienced an increase in sperm count over a few days. Zinc is actually found in semen and males lose a lot of zinc when they ejaculate. That's why it's important to replace it as soon as possible. Foods that are rich in zinc include those like oysters, red meat, bananas, poultry etc.

You should also consider taking a popular volume enhancing supplement. This work faster than anything you eat and it doesn't matter what you eat for these to take effect.

There are some natural or herbal supplements that can also be a big help. More and more men are now opting for natural semen enhancers. This is because supplements are a great blend of natural herbs and other nutrients like Zinc. MaxoCum is one such Herbal Supplement that not only increases semen production and boosts sperm count but also ensures rock hard erections and improves ejaculatory control. Moreover, High quality herbal supplements do not have any side effects and are absolutely safe. For more information - visit the website - . Now is the time to improve your sex life greatly and increase the chances of fertility by boosting sperm production by up to 500 times.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Increase Sperm Count and get Bigger, Harder Erections - Higher Sperm Count Stops Erectile Dysfunction:

Sperm production is very important factor in the sexual process. The fertility of men as well as a highly satisfying sexual experience depends on the sperm production or the sperm count.

Every man wants to have stronger longer lasting erections along with a higher sperm count. With a higher sperm count and harder erections you will also achieve longer and more powerful orgasms then ever imagined.
A reduced sperm count but also reduces blood circulation to the penis resulting in erectile dysfunction which is dreaded by most men. Besides, the main causes of low fertility are overheating of testicles during intense exercises or wearing tight clothing in the groin area.

Typically, during an erection, sexual arousal causes increased blood flow to the penile area. These arteries expand, allowing for more blood to enter the penile region, while the veins that control the blood flowing out of the penis simultaneously contract. The hardening effect that this process has on the tissues of the penis is what causes an erection. At the peak of penile arousal, ejaculation occurs, in which the sperm is released from the penis. The larger the amount of fluid ejaculated, the more pleasurable the sexual experience, as well as the greater chance for increased sperm count.

There are quite a few natural pills that can be highly effective in stopping erectile dysfunction whilst improving sperm count at the same time. Such pills are completely natural and do not have any side effects. Get the best herbal pills available - Maxocum which is capable of increasing your semen production by as much as 500%.Now, improve your sperm count and achieve rock hard erections for satisfying sex. For more information - visit the website -

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Is your cell phone the cause to suffering from a low sperm count?

Many Researches indicate that cell phones can harm the function of male sperm count. Cell phone radiation is responsible for a 30% reduction in sperm count in men who carry cell phones on belt clips

Scientists have found that cell phone signals can affect five essential issues in semen production. They are:
• Motility
• Sperm count
• Morphology
• Viability
• Liquefaction

Fertility experts recommend in the four months preceding conception, to avoid even low levels of radiation for both males and females.

The Link between Cell Phone Radiations and Low Sperm Count:
Animal studies have shown that sperm-making cells in the testes are particularly vulnerable to low-level radiation from exposure to cell phones, which was previously thought to be harmless. Non-ionizing cell phones radiation overheats cells, affecting their growth and normal development.
It has also been proven to cause damage to the blood vessels in the brain, which may be a cause of concern for many reproductive organs in the Brain.

The Solution - Get rid of a low Sperm Count and use your cell phone more smartly...
Never carry a cell phone on the belt or in a pocket near the groin, where it can raise the temperature in this sensitive area high enough to cause permanent cell damage.
Those in the reproductive age should limit their cell use to only necessary calls and keeping calls concise will eliminate extended exposure to radiation. Remember that men who keep their cells turned on in their front pocket can reduce their sperm count by thirty percent. Purchase a low radiation cell phone. Avoid any kind of radiation whether it is non ionizing or ionizing should be avoided by couples. It would be best to remove any electronic devices inside your bedroom. This way, you are ensured that no radiation is emitted while you are sleeping. These steps will prove effective in keeping radiation away from your body.

However, if already a victim to oligospermia (low Sperm count) - then the best way out would be by regularly consuming natural sperm enhancement supplements. For more information on natural and safe Fertility solutions - visit the website -