Monday, December 28, 2020

Causes for low sperm count and how to overcome it naturally

Oligozoospermia or low sperm count is the main cause of infertility in men and when a man has less than 20 million spermatozoa per one ml of ejaculate then it is considered that a man has low sperm.  The causes of low sperm count can be due to some genetic problem where there will be problem with the sperm production.  Nutritional deficiency, or injury where the testicles are affected and can result in low sperm count. Excessive heat from hot tubs, saunas etc. may decrease the production of sperm quantity.  Smoking, intake of certain drugs is also responsible for reducing semen count and varicocele is also responsible for the infertility in men.  Obesity, excess consumption of alcohol, obesity, mental exertion, stress, some hormonal changes in the body can also reduce the sperm count.

There are ways to overcome the problem of low sperm count and this can be achieved by having high protein diets, certain vitamins and herbal sperm enhancement supplements.  Herbal supplements can effectively and safely overcome the problem with no side-effects.   They are made from the combination of effective herbs which overcomes the problem of low sperm quantity naturally and effectively enhances the overall condition of reproductive system and also sexual performance. They increase the flow of blood into the genital organs which results into harder and longer lasting erections and intense orgasms. To increase sperm count and volume, take an effective herbal supplement regularly –

Friday, December 4, 2020

Boost semen volume and sperm count in a safe way

Most men wish to increase their semen volume and large semen volume, potency and stronger orgasms. The major cause of male infertility is failure to produce enough healthy sperm. Azoospermia (complete absence of sperm in the semen) and Oligospermia (in which too few sperm are produced) both cause infertility.

Low sperm count is one of the most unsatisfying infertility problems encountered by men worldwide and threatens to ruin the relationships. Low sperm count is one of the most common male impotency issues. There are various factors that result in low sperm count like stress, genetics, drug addiction, drinking, smoking, infections, nutritional deficiencies, varicocele etc.

Most of the men who suffer from low sperm count are worried whether they can increase their sperm count and find it difficult to discuss this problem even with their doctor  as they find their infertility issues embarrassing and frustrating because it is the first thing that comes into consideration when the couple find it difficult to conceive. Men can increase their sperm count by taking herbal sperm enhancing supplements which will increase   semen volume as well and give a overwhelming big climax.

The ingredients contained in these pills increases sperm count and motility, increases sex drive and stimulates the hormone production to the balanced level. Herbal supplements are an effective solution to boost your fertility and improve overall sexual performance –

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Increase semen volume to improve your sex life

Every man wants to increase his semen volume for better orgasm, reproduction and confidence and low semen volume makes a man lose his confidence.    Due to age, weak muscles, hormonal imbalance, problems related to prostate glands and sexual problem like premature ejaculation can cause reduction in the semen volume.  Many men have problems regarding semen volume and are looking for ways to increase their   semen volume.

With a bigger ejaculation a man will have stronger orgasms and enjoy sex more and so will your partner.  Many men also want to increase their semen volume in order to be more fertile.  There are natural ways to increase semen volume; have a nutritional diet, exercise and drink lots of water as it will keep your body hydrated and in good health. It will also make your sexual health in good condition and your body will start producing more semen.

Natural semen enhancement pills are very effective and safe and are designed to increase the amount of semen that a man ejaculates during sexual intercourse.  It is formulated with herbs and natural compounds to affect positively the organs related to this problem as well as psychological reasons to alleviate the condition.  Increase your semen volume; sexual stamina and sex drive effectively and safely –

Friday, November 20, 2020

Ejaculate more semen volume and increase sperm count naturally

More men have been experience fertility issues during the past decade and more and this is mainly because of lifestyle and the environmental factors.  Women also consider larger loads of seminal fluid as a sign of male power and virility as majority of women find bigger loads of ejaculate to be visually stimulating. If you want to know how to increase sperm count, semen volume follow a diet, de-stress, avoid heat and take an effective and safe herbal sperm enhancing supplement.

If you want to increase your sperm count, you must eliminate processed foods and foods high in sugar or caffeine content from you diet as they can lower your sperm count drastically. Have healthy alternatives that can boost your semen volume and sperm count. Include foods high in zinc, antioxidants, and amino acids. Stress can lower your sperm volume and count. Therefore to lower stress exercise daily by taking walks every day.  

Quit smoking, which is the major cause of infertility, not only results in erectile dysfunction in men but is also known to lower your semen volume as well as sperm count.  Smoking affects sexual health.  Avoid having sex too frequently as it affects the volume of your semen.

There are some herbal supplements that are formulated with age proven herbs and other nutrients that are highly effective. Herbal semen enhancers help increase the volume of your ejaculate as well as sperm count and also ensure rock hard erections and improved staying power and sex drive without any side-effects –


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Effective solution to low Sperm Count problems

Male fertility issues have been on the rise and studies show that sperm need a very healthy environment in order to produce enough. There are many environmental factors that affect the production of sperm, and the most common causes are dietary issues, stress levels and overheating of the groin area.

One should avoid highly processed foods, foods that contain sugar, food or drinks high in caffeine and have foods that are high in zinc, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and amino acids which will contribute to a healthy sperm production.  High stress levels can affect hormonal levels and burn up a lot of the nutrients needed for proper sperm production.  Hence it is important to exercise, jog or take a walk, practice yoga and meditate to get rid of stress; stress affects any organ of the body and sperm also get affected by it.  Body temperature also plays an important role in sperm count as fever can lower sperm production.  Avoid wearing tight underwear and wear loose clothing and avoid hot water if you want to increase sperm count.

If you are wondering how to increase sperm count and semen volume, take an effective herbal sperm enhancing supplement that contains all nutrients that help boost testosterone levels and  can increase your semen count quickly and safely –

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Enhance your sperm in a natural way

Infertility is a complex problem which relates with your biology, environment and your emotional wellbeing.  Many couples are told they would be unable to conceive but they has still given birth to healthy babies which they always wanted.  Herbal supplements are very effective and safe and helped many men to increase their sperm count as well as semen volume naturally.   

Low sperm count is one of the most common male impotency problems and can be caused due to various factors that result in low sperm count like stress, alcohol, smoking, genetics, drug addiction, poor eating habits or nutritional deficiencies.  Everyone wants a natural way and the herbs contained in natural supplements have been proven to work to improve sperm count and fertility. It also fights male impotence to improve male fertility, increases sex drive, raise testosterone levels, increase sperm count and increase sperm mobility.    All this can increase the chances of getting your partner pregnant and having a baby. Herbal sperm enhancement pills are an effective solution to boost your fertility by increasing semen production levels and improves overall sexual performance.

Take an effective and safe herbal sperm enhancing supplement and boost your confidence and pleasure in bed –

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Herbal semen pills - safe option to boost your sex drive, ejaculate loads and improve confidence

There are many men who are not happy with their semen volume and they desire to have the ability to produce and spurt out more semen to enjoy powerful and stronger orgasms. They want to increase the volume of the semen, as more semen released during sex gives a more powerful and intense orgasm and there are men who want to increase the volume of their semen because they would like a better chance of starting a family. There are various factors and issues that can affect semen volume in men; the most important being the diet and lifestyle.  Certain psychological factors like stress and depressions etc. can also take a toll on your semen volume.

One of the most important factors that affect semen production in men is their testosterone levels; unfortunately, testosterone levels begin declining in men with age.   Some of the best ways to boost testosterone is to consume foods that are rich in proteins, moderate in essential fats and limited in carbohydrates.   Also avoid stress as it affects the semen production by reducing testosterone production in your body.  Try relaxation methods like exercising, yoga, meditation, etc.

Also avoid wearing tight underpants or jeans and wear boxers and loose pants.  If you want to increase your semen volume avoid use of recreational drugs as it can have an effect on semen production.  Avoid smoking as the cigarettes contain harmful toxins which can  destroy the DNA structure of your sperm resulting in fertility issues.

Try natural herbal semen enhancement pills that help increase semen volume as well as sperm count in an effective way with no negative side effects -

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Natural and safe way to overcome low sperm count and male infertility

Low sperm count, sperm mobility, bad quality of sperm and lack of semen can cause infertility in men but in most cases the cause of male infertility is low sperm count. A low sperm count reduces the chances that one of your sperms will fertilize the egg.  The reasons can be either environmental or biological for men suffering from low sperm count.  The main factors are age as it decreases as one grows older.  Stress, anxiety and leading an unhealthy life like smoking can also cause low sperm count.  Some sexual problems like premature ejaculation or impotency can lead to low semen count and male infertility.  Also nutrition deficiency of certain minerals and vitamins like zinc, vitamin C may lead to low sperm count.

To overcome the problem of low sperm count and male infertility naturally eat a healthy well balanced diet which consists of vegetables and fruits.  Getting your partner pregnant and have sex when fertilization is possible which is during ovulation. Also avoid using lubricants which sometimes reduce the sperms. Practice stress reducing methods like meditation, massage and yoga.

Some people go for surgeries and synthetic drugs to increase their low sperm count and male infertility. It is best to use natural methods like herbal supplement as they are effective and safe and helps increase sperm count as well as semen volume without any side effects –

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Sexual Improvement with herbs - Shilajeet

Men want to perform well in bed and please their partners but there are some men who suffer from sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, low sperm count and premature ejaculation.   These are the most common male sexual problems and can cause a lot of stress to men suffering from it. Nature has its own way of helping us get better health and there are a whole lot of herbs and botanical extracts that can help deal with these sexual disorders and help the body function well.  

There are many herbs that have been used to overcome sexual disorders in men for thousands of years.  Shilajit is one such herb that is a natural aphrodisiac which enhance the sexual functions of the body to overcome the problem of sexual problems such as erectile dysfunctions and low sperm count.  Shilajit has anti-oxidant property which helps enhance blood flow to all sexual parts of a male body for stronger and longer erections to overcome the problem of erectile dysfunction and   alleviates and cures urinary and renal problems which help in the better functioning of the kidneys.

Besides helping in low sex drive and male sexual weakness, Shilajit also improves the immune system, helps in anti-aging and anti-stress and works for arthritic conditions.  Overcome your general weakness and improve overall stamina by taking the best herbal pill that is natural and free from all harmful side-effects -

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Enhance your energy levels and stamina by taking Shilajeet herbal supplement

Shilajeet is one of the most powerful Ayurveda herbs and has been used since centuries in treating various ailments.

Low libido in men is extremely common and almost 40% men over the age of 40 experience a drop in their libido or sexual desire. There can many reasons or factors that can lead to this cause and this can also cause erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation which can be extremely stressful for any man.  Shilajeet is beneficial for many conditions and is extremely well-known for its aphrodisiac actions. Since time immemorial Shilajeet has been the herb for increasing the sexual power and vigor in men. It helps in developing stamina and endurance in the body thereby enabling him to perform well in the bed. Shilajeet is also helpful in increasing the sperm count and also enhances its quality.

Shilajeet is considered to be one the best remedy where it helps in overcoming the weakened condition of the body by increasing various minerals and vitamins and helpful in overcoming conditions like fatigue, lethargies, lack of energy etc.

It is an excellent supplement to remain healthy and active throughout life.  Increase your sexual stamina and your vitality and boost the immune system by taking a Shilajeet capsule -

Monday, September 7, 2020

Natural ways to increase sperm count and semen volume

 A man in order to make his partner pregnant must have certain number of sperms in a milliliter of his semen to fertilize a female's egg and this is why it is important to increase low sperm count for smooth reproduction process. Many men suffer from low sperm quality in their life and the causes can be due to stress, infected semen, exposure to heat, lack of sleep, smoking, increased alcohol consumption, tight clothes, too much cycling, repeated ejaculations over a short period of time, zinc deficiency etc. Obesity is another reason which is associated with lack of sperm motility and sperm count. If a man is suffering from low sperm count for a longer period due to any deficiency, physical or psychological reason then it needs immediate attention and should be solved soon.

Healthy lifestyle and healthy diet is important for good health and a healthy body. Try and avoid junk food and make sure that you maintain a healthy dietary intake with generous amounts of whole grains, proteins, vegetables, greens, fruits and salads. Regular exercise improves blood flow all over the body, promotes sound sleep and helps with stress. Lack of sleep can promote stress and also cast negative effect on sperm production.  Drink lots of water as dehydration leads to fatigue, exhaustion and poor bodily functions which can lead to poor sexual functions. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

Take an effective sperm enhancement herbal supplement which help increase sperm count and semen volume in a nature and safe way with no harmful side effect.  

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Increase semen volume for powerful orgasms

Many men want to know how to increase semen volume and many of them are looking for ways to increase their own semen volume.  Trying to find ways to increase your semen volume is never an easy and can be rather frustrating. It is possible now to increase semen volume, making for a better sexual experience and increased fertility levels for men who are looking to father children in a natural way.

To enjoy better sex with your partner if there is a bigger ejaculation and you will have stronger orgasms and women too love a big load.  The best way to increase semen volume is to drink lots of water as it helps keep your body in good health which will start producing more semen.

The best ways to increase your semen volume amount is to take a semen pill which is all natural and safe as they are guaranteed to increase the semen volume up to 500% more. Herbal pills will help you with intense orgasms and powerful ejaculations. These pills are designed to increase the amount of semen that a man ejaculates during sexual intercourse. They are made up of herbs and other essential nutrients which help increase semen volume as well as sperm count in an effective way with no harmful side-effects.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Improve male fertility naturally

Low sperm count is the biggest cause for male infertility and this can be due to many reasons; due to the sedentary lifestyle, drinking, smoking or certain medical conditions.  It is when the semen does not contain an adequate number of spermatozoa and this makes it difficult for a man to leave a woman pregnant. Not only the sperm quantity, but also its volume and its motility affect male fertility.  Low sperm count can be very harmful to a man’s self-esteem as it can make him feel incomplete and incapable which could hurt his ego.

Herbal remedies for low sperm count are considered one of the most safe and effective ways of dealing with male infertility.   One of the safest ways to increase count is through the use of herbal supplements. These supplements help in boosting your sperm level and density by targeting at the root cause of the problem.  It also helps balance your hormonal levels, provide you energy and stamina, improves the blood flow and will boost your sex drive Herbal supplements have no side effects, don't pose any threat for you overall health condition and are easy to use. Herbal supplements alleviate this problem in the most effective way by increasing mental clarity and strengthening reproductive organs for optimum functioning.  

Increase your semen volume and sperm count in an effective and safe way by taking a natural herbal supplement –   

Monday, July 20, 2020

Increase semen volume and weak sperm count naturally

You can increase low semen volume and the amount of sperm that comes out during ejaculation naturally and safely with no side-effects.  Many men are finding it difficult to impregnate their woman and the man cause of this is low sperm count.  This problem arises when the sperm is not healthy and lacks the ability to fertilize the egg.  Men who want to enjoy sex and give pleasure to their women are those who are want to increase their semen volume, if they notice a decrease in their semen volume.  When a man produces high semen volume when ejaculation, women are happy and they consider it manly and virile.

Some of the main causes of low sperm count are wearing tight underclothes, using extremely hot water during shower, obesity, smoking, zinc deficiency, infection of the sperm, etc.  Now a man can ejaculate more and improve their sperm count naturally by improving and having a healthy diet rich in in proteins, cruciferous vegetables and low in carbs and avoid eating burgers, fries and junk foods.  Cut down on excessive alcohol and smoking. Drink plenty of water and fruit juices; stay hydrated as it helps the sperm to become more fluid, to shoot out faster and can increase the volume.  

Regular exercising increases the male testosterone levels, the main sexual hormone, which decreases as a man grows older.   Exercising also helps lose the unwanted fat and keeps you in good shape.
Try Controlling and delaying ejaculation as it is very important for semen. When a man delays ejaculation it helps to maintain libido and improves semen volume. 

Low semen volume and poor sperm count can be improved significantly by using an effective herbal supplement – visit

Friday, June 26, 2020

Improve your overall sexual virility naturally

Every man want to have and cherish an experience where he can have more sperms mean and a strong explosion which would lead to an intense orgasm and a satisfying sexual act. Men would like to satisfy his partner and for that he should have strong erections and a large volume of cu. It is an experience that every man cherishes to satisfy his partner. There are times when the frequency of such orgasms is not satisfying for all of them and hence they are looking for something that will help them ejaculate huge volume of sperm which would give pleasurable orgasms. Large semen volume, potency, stronger orgasms are common things which men desire other than power to stay erect and active for long hours in bed. 

Low sperm count is often associated with an unsatisfied sexual experience, which may result in a man losing his self-confidence. There are guaranteed natural and well-researched sperm enhancement products which help increase semen volume as well as sperm count in a safe way. These pills combines a variety of essential herbs and vitamins to produce the most effective way to increase your sperm production and will help you have stronger, longer orgasms with much more sexual intensity. It can also help your partner getting pregnant because of the large volume of sperms. 

Take an effective and safe herbal sperm enhancement supplement that will increase your semen production levels and sperm count thereby improving your overall sexual act.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Natural and safe way to increase low sperm count and male infertility

Low sperm count, low sperm mobility, bad quality of sperm and lack of semen can cause infertility in males and in most of the cases; the cause of male infertility is low sperm count. A low sperm count reduces the chances that one of your sperms will fertilize the egg. There are various reasons which can be either biological or environmental which can lead to low sperm count. With age, male fertility decreases and if a man is stressed and leads an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle; all this can affect the sperm count. Certain infections present in the reproductive organs, diseases like varicocele, hydrocele or infections in prostate gland can affect the semen which causes low sperm count. The other reasons can be too much of alcohol intake, smoking, deficiency of nutrients, heating of testicles by means of hot tub baths, tight fitting under garments, long sitting hours and obesity. Frequent or premature ejaculation can reduce the quality of semen by causing low semen. 

Men can overcome low sperm count and male infertility naturally and safely by having a healthy well balanced diet which would include vegetable, fruits and salads. Do yoga, meditation to relieve stress and avoid smoking, alcohol and drugs which can affect the sperm. 

Herbal sperm enhancing supplements are very effective in increasing the sperm count, semen volume as well as the health and quality of the sperms and also raises the levels of testosterone in the body which helps increase fertility without any negative side-effects.

Friday, May 15, 2020

The benefits of semen volume enhancement

Men want to increase their semen load as it helps make the sexual act more pleasurable for him as well as his partner. Women also love men want to shoot a large load because they are turned on and desire to have the maximum sexual pleasure. It gives a man an increased sense of masculinity and associates it with his sexual ability and he will notice the much more intense orgasms he gets because of the increased volumes. It is the best to try natural ways to increase the seminal volume. 

The first important step is to keep yourself hydrated as dehydration decreases the quantity of sperm produced. Therefore stay hydrated and you will find yourself ejaculate more volume of semen. Also lead a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced and nutritious diet especially fruits and vegetables; cut down on fatty and processed foods. Make exercise your daily routine as it keeps you stay healthy and fit. Also do not smoke and don’t have excess alcohol as it negatively affects the sperm quality and make you function poorly in bed. 

Use natural sperm enhancement and semen supplements that helps increase the semen volume and sperm count naturally with no side-effects. They include herbs and other natural ingredients which help you with large loads of cum which would excite both you as well as your partner. Herbal sperm enhancement supplements are the best option; you will not only experience an increase in the semen volume but you will get harder erections, increased orgasms that can enhance your performance.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Herbal supplements for increasing low sperm count and semen volume

The reason behind most low sperm counts and low semen volumes is when men have low level of testosterone than they should. Men should also follow a healthy lifestyle and healthy diet comprising low fat, high fiber, whole grains and fruits which will supply necessary vitamins, proteins and nutrients and ensures good health and a healthy body that helps increasing the sperm count as well. You should also have sound sleep, reduce stress levels and exercise regularly which would help improves blood flow all over the body and also counter stress. Being overweight and ageing is another reason which is associated with lack of sperm motility and sperm count. Processed foods, hot baths, tight underwear, alcohol consumption, smoking, caffeine are also harmful and should be avoided to increase low sperm count. 

 Every man wants to become a father and if he has a low sperm count as well as semen volume then it is a matter of concern. Now there are ways to overcome this problem. Surgeries which are expensive and other chemicals drugs are available but they come with a lot of harmful side-effects. There are male herbal male enhancement supplements available which is very effective, safe and are completely natural. They are formulated using vital herbs and nutrients that contribute to sexual health and virility in men, and that boost testosterone for higher semen volume and sperm count which help chances of conceiving a child during sexual activity. Proper life style, diet and an effective herbal supplement can help overcome the problem of low sperm count and semen volume within a short time.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Herbal Remedies for low sperm count and infertility in men

Oligozoospermia or low sperm count is the main cause of infertility in men and it is when a man has less than 20 million spermatozoa per one ml of ejaculate then it is considered that a man has low sperm.  Not only the sperm quantity, but also its volume and its motility affect male fertility and the semen volume should be above 2 milliliters and at least 75% of the spermatozoa should be living. The cause of low sperm count can be due to some genetic problems, nutrient deficiency, some injury to the testicles, smoking, certain drugs, excessive heat from hot tubs, stress, hormonal changes, obesity, etc.

Herbal remedies for low sperm count are considered one of the most safe and effective ways of overcoming male infertility.    These herbal supplements do not have any side-effect and are easy to use.  It increases sperm count as well as semen volume by eliminating the root causes of the problem.  The supplements are usually made of herbs which have been used from ancient times as male enhancers and other essential nutrients that help in increasing semen count, volume and motility and are also a general tonic for the body. It ensures the well-being of all the systems, including the reproductive one.  Taking herbal supplement also increases the flow of blood into the genital organs which results into harder and longer lasting erections and intense orgasms. To eradicate the problem of low sperm count from the roots, take an effective herbal sperm enhancement supplement regularly as per the recommended dosage which will help enhance the sperm count as well as the semen volume.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Are you concerned about your semen volume? Ways to boost semen volume naturally

Majority of the men are not happy with their semen volume; they want powerful ejaculations as they want to enjoy powerful and stronger orgasms.  There are different factors that can affect the semen volume; certain psychological factors like stress, depression and anxiety can affect semen volume.  Even the lifestyle you lead and the diet can greatly affect it.

To help increase semen production is to enhance the testosterone levels which controls semen production and a drop in it can result in low semen volume. Testosterone levels decline as one grows older but by leading a proper lifestyle like consuming foods that are rich in proteins and limited in carbohydrates and reducing stress you can raise the testosterone levels.  Have more zinc as they are important for increasing both testosterone levels as well as semen. Try and avoid stress as it can take a toll on your semen volume by declining the testosterone production.  Exercise and do yoga, meditation to reduce stress.   Regular exercises also help increase blood flow to your penis.

 Avoid testicle overheating and also avoid wearing tight underpants-instead wear boxers or loose pants.  Do not take recreational drugs such as marijuana as it can badly affect the semen production and also avoid smoking as cigarettes contain a lot of harmful toxins which have an effect on male fertility.

There are natural semen supplements that are highly effective and safe for increasing semen volume as well as the sperm count.  These supplements are formulated using time-tested herbs and other natural ingredients that can boost semen volume by as much as 500% within a short time and allows you to enjoy powerful orgasms.  They also help in boosting your libido and sexual desire with strong erections and are devoid of any harmful side-effects.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Increase your semen count and achieve your dreams

Most of the men suffer from infertility due to low sperm count and semen volume.  A man suffering from this problem which makes it difficult for him to become a dad affects his manhood and confidence.  Many men suffer from low sperm count and semen volume is because they are not producing enough testosterone.  The decline in testosterone levels is mainly due to age, poor nutrition and health.  However, there are natural ways to overcome the problem of low sperm count.  There are natural supplements that contain extracts of different herbs which are known to increase virility and help you increase your sperm count and semen volume naturally with no harmful side-effects.

 Herbal sperm enhancement supplements are safe and contain only natural ingredients that you need to be at your sexual best.  They increase your confidence, sexual stamina and drive, boost testosterone levels and can increase your semen count and volume fast and in a safe way. If you are longing for fatherhood then try herbal supplements instead of expensive invasive surgeries, which would just help you with an increased sperm count and semen volume.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Ways to increase sperm count and semen volume

Oligospermia also known as low sperm count is a medical symptom which affects men having less than 20 million spermatozoa per milliliter of semen and this is one of the main causes of male infertility.  At least 60% of the sperm should be normal for conception to happen.

There are various other causes of low sperm count like stress (it can be emotional stress or other psychological issues), cycling, heat exposure, excess intake of alcohol and taking recreational drugs like marijuana, cocaine, etc.  To increase sperm count and quality avoid alcohol, smoking and drug abuse.  Also do not use laptops continuously, or hot baths, tight underpants, cycling and others which can raise scrotal temperatures.  Reduce stress by meditation and relaxation.  If you are overweight maintain normal healthy body weight and exercise regularly.

Try herbal supplements which increases low sperm count and semen volume and is a natural remedy for infertility.  They contain herbs and other essential vitamins which are proven to promote spermatogenesis by improving the testicular, seminal vesicle and epididymis functions. Herbal sperm enhancement supplements improve the sperm count and the quality of semen by increasing the LH-FSH producing basophil cells in the pituitary.  Take an effective herbal supplement which is clinically approved to increase low sperm count naturally; these supplements have no harmful side-effects.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Semen male enhancement supplements to help increase semen volume naturally

Men love to have a greater amount of semen as the intensity and the length of an orgasm is increased and when you have a greater volume, it will make you look forward to sex even more.  The other outcome of a greater volume of semen is that it will please your partner and makes her feel good too.  A man’s confidence and sexual power increases with large mind blowing ejaculations.  It is a fact that a large number of men experience problems with their semen volume and is looking for ways to increase it.  Men should keep themselves hydrated by drinking lots of water as it keeps the body healthy and helps produce more semen.

Men who want to increase their semen volume as well as per sperm count should take a good male enhancement supplement that helps heighten interest in sex, have ejaculations with more volume and orgasms that make both partners feel good as women too love big loads.  It is now possible to increase semen volume and sperm count with an effective herbal sperm enhancement supplement which will help making for a better sexual experience with your partner and also would increase fertility levels.  These supplements are made with herbs and other natural ingredients that help men increase the amount of semen that he ejaculates during sexual intercourse and to enjoy better sex.   

Friday, March 6, 2020

Overcome low sperm count and male infertility naturally

There are many reasons for the problem of low sperm count like lifestyle related issues, diseases like varicocele, malformed reproductive organs, infection in prostate gland, bad habits and poor diet and disorders, excess stress, wearing tight fitting undergarments, heated testicles due to long sitting hours or too much hot tub bath, smoking, excess alcohol intake, zinc deficiency and exposure to toxins, etc. Remaining stress free, exercising regularly and increasing intake of fruits and vegetables are good for healthy sperm quantity and also for overall health. 

Low sperm count is the main cause of male fertility. Normally, there should be 20 million spermatozoa in a milliliter of sperm and anything below this might affect male fertility. Low sperm count is a problem especially for couples which want to become parents.   It is now   possible to increase low sperm count using herbal supplements which eliminates the root cause of the problem. They also work well for maintaining hormonal imbalance, improving immunity system, increasing metabolism and promoting blood flow throughout the body. These supplements also help the reproductive system to promote better functioning and overcome the problem of low sperm count and semen volume. Herbal supplements contain effective herbs and other natural ingredients that help to increase low sperm count in a natural way without any harmful side-effects.

Friday, February 28, 2020

Increase Low Semen Volume for strong ejaculation

Men love to ejaculate loads of semen as they feel confident and measure their manhood with the semen they ejaculate.  Low semen volume affects a man’s confidence and hence every man wants a larger semen volume to perform better and increase their confidence in bed.

There are many natural ways to increase the semen volume. Lose weight as extra fat in your body can lead to increased estrogen levels that can affects testosterone production and low testosterone levels leads to reduced semen production and sperm count.  Also drink lots of water as it helps keep the body well hydrated as dehydration leads to low semen volume.

Eat foods that help increase the volume you ejaculate like foods which are rich in minerals like zinc, magnesium and foods that are rich in Omega 3 which are necessary to produce testosterone which helps increase semen volume.

Avoid wearing tight underpants or jeans as it can heat up the testicles and affect both semen volume and sperm count.  Avoid smoking as it affects your sexual and reproductive health; it lowers sperm count and semen volume and restricts blood flow to the penis which can lead to erectile problems.

There are natural semen enhancers available which are gaining a lot of popularity today as they are safe with no harmful side-effects.  These supplements are a blend of highly potent herbs and other essential ingredients that helps boost seminal production. Herbal sperm enhancement supplements  are very effective and will help you ejaculate loads for a satisfying and pleasurable sexual act.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Boost Your Semen Volume and Sperm Count naturally

There are many men today who are finding it difficult to impregnate their women and the reason low sperm count and unhealthy sperm.  Some of the main causes of low sperm count are infection of the sperm, wearing tight underclothing, using extremely hot water during baths, obesity, smoking, alcohol mental and physical overexertion and zinc deficiency.  Sperm and semen volume do decrease with age but there are various natural ways to boost the semen volume and sperm count no matter what your age is.

 Men and women both do not like weak ejaculations as they feel they enjoy sex and have more pleasure when the ejaculation is bigger.  Producing huge loads of semen when ejaculation makes a man feel great and virile and their confidence increases.

 You should have a healthy diet and avoid fast foods if you want to have healthy sperm.  Have a diet which are rich in proteins, cruciferous vegetables and low in carbs.  Exercising also helps increase testosterone levels which is the main male sexual hormone and decreases as one grows older.  Increase in testosterone levels improves your sperm count and volume.  Do not get dehydrated and stay hydrated always by drinking lots of water and fruit juices.  Cut down drinking alcohol and smoking and lose the excess weight.

To improve semen, you can try herbal sperm enhancing supplements which help increase semen volume and sperm count significantly in an effective and safe way.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Natural and safe way to increase low sperm count and male infertility

Low sperm count is one of the main of cause infertility in males the other reasons being low sperm mobility, bad quality of sperm and lack of semen.  There are various other reasons leading to male infertility like age as male infertility decreases as one ages, the lifestyle that one leads, sexual issues like premature ejaculation and impotence, mental or physical stress, smoking which is known to harm the sperm life and sperm count, deficiency of certain minerals and vitamins, environmental factors like over exposure to toxins and other disorders and ailments in the body.

To overcome the problem of low sperm count one should eat a healthy well-balanced diet like vegetables, fruits and salads.  Regular exercises like yoga and jogging, lowering the frequency of ejaculation to thrice a week promote healthy semen production and keep away stress by sleeping well.  Have sex when fertilization is possible which is during ovulation and have frequent sex as it increases the chances of your partner getting pregnant.

Some men opt for surgeries and medications to cure low sperm count and male infertility, but it is safe and best to use natural ways to alleviate male infertility.   Herbal supplements can resolve this problem effectively and without any side effects.  The ingredients contained in these pills help increase the levels of testosterone in the body, increases libido and raise semen count and semen volume thereby increasing fertility.  Take an effective and safe herbal supplement to increase sperm count and semen volume naturally without any negative side effects.

Friday, January 31, 2020

Increase sperm count and volume for stronger long-lasting erections

Every man wants to ejaculate more as more sperms mean a strong explosion and an intense orgasm. Every man wants to experience it and be able to satisfy his partner by having have a stronger and long-lasting erection aided with an intense orgasm.

Men today are now opting for a natural guaranteed natural herbal sperm enhancement supplements which gives you pleasurable orgasms with huge volume of sperm and gives your partner a chance to feel the sensation of the best orgasm she ever wanted.  Herbal supplements improve seminal, epidydimal and testicular vesicle functions of the sperm and also enhances the quality of semen and the count of sperm.

The major cause of male infertility is failure to produce enough healthy sperm.  Herbal sperm enhancement supplements produce more fertile and healthy sperms, which are motile and  they are medically approved herbal formulation which serves the purpose of increasing semen volume as well as sperm count. They contain ingredients which is known for its aphrodisiac qualities that boosts healthy sperm count, boost fertility and increase semen volume, It also improves low libido and boosts overall sexual appetite and improves the sexual functioning.

Try an effective safe herbal sperm enhancing supplement - your semen shoot not only gets bigger and thicker, it becomes more exciting and pleasurable.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Improve semen volume and sperm count for stronger longer orgasms

When a man suffers from low semen volume it upsets them and makes their confidence low.     Men want to increase their semen volume to have better orgasms, reproduction, confidence and to improve their sex life.   The reduction in the semen volume occurs due to age, hormonal imbalance, weak muscles etc.

Studies suggest that men should have a nutritional diet and exercise regularly which can help in increasing the semen volume.  There are natural products which are formulated using effective and trusted herbs and other essential nutrients which help to increase semen production.  Herbal supplements are very effective for solving the problem of low semen volume.

If you are looking for an effective and natural way to increase semen volume as well as the sperm count, then you just need to use natural supplements that are clinically approved and developed to solve this problem.   Herbal supplements besides increasing the sperm count as well as semen volume also promotes a better ejaculation improvement in a natural way.  They help in more pleasurable orgasms and helps overcome fertility problems.  They contain the most potent herbs that enhances sexual health.  If you are looking for an effective and safe solution to improve your semen volume, then visit will help you achieve your goal in a safe way with no harmful side effects.