Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Boost Your Semen Volume and Sperm Count naturally

There are many men today who are finding it difficult to impregnate their women and the reason low sperm count and unhealthy sperm.  Some of the main causes of low sperm count are infection of the sperm, wearing tight underclothing, using extremely hot water during baths, obesity, smoking, alcohol mental and physical overexertion and zinc deficiency.  Sperm and semen volume do decrease with age but there are various natural ways to boost the semen volume and sperm count no matter what your age is.

 Men and women both do not like weak ejaculations as they feel they enjoy sex and have more pleasure when the ejaculation is bigger.  Producing huge loads of semen when ejaculation makes a man feel great and virile and their confidence increases.

 You should have a healthy diet and avoid fast foods if you want to have healthy sperm.  Have a diet which are rich in proteins, cruciferous vegetables and low in carbs.  Exercising also helps increase testosterone levels which is the main male sexual hormone and decreases as one grows older.  Increase in testosterone levels improves your sperm count and volume.  Do not get dehydrated and stay hydrated always by drinking lots of water and fruit juices.  Cut down drinking alcohol and smoking and lose the excess weight.

To improve semen, you can try herbal sperm enhancing supplements which help increase semen volume and sperm count significantly in an effective and safe way.

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