A man commonly
produces around 20 million individual sperm cells per milliliter. A male is
recognized as having a normal sperm count once he is able to generate the
normal of 20 million or more sperm cells. Whenever a man suffers from a low sperm count below the
normal limits, he is recognized as suffering from a problem which needs to be
dealt with.
A lower sperm count frequently is the key cause for fertility
problems. Other conditions affecting male fertility involve low
semen motility, greater number of abnormal semen cells and low levels of semen.
Obsessive habits such as smoking or excessive drinking could also impact
health. These habits greatly affect semen production and health.
Low sperm count is the major cause for male infertility as
this issue can be caused owing to many reasons. Herbal supplements help ease
this problem in the best way by providing natural nutrients, and boosting the
health of the reproductive organs for optimal functioning. Causes of Low sperm
count include poor life style, unhealthy diet, being overweight and diseases.
Low sperm count can be extremely damaging to a male's self esteem as it hurts a
male's ego. Know more about sperm enhancement supplements