Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Do laptops affect male fertility?

Laptops rank high among the most used technological gadgets in the world. Across, the world, from Africa to Asia, a laptop has become an integral part of our lifestyle. In this article, we explore the connection between laptops and male fertility. Do laptops really hamper reproduction? We will find out soon...

Laptops are a convenient tool and can be carried along with you to any place of your choice. Most men work on their laptop by placing it on their laps. The scrotum is a pouch that is located underneath the penis. It is the location where the testicles are stored in environment friendly conditions. Keeping the testicles at body temperature will result in male infertility. It is the scrotum that counters this and ensures that the tesicles are maintained at ideal temperatures for reproduction.

Increased scrotal temperature is widely attributed to male infertility. Laptops play a major role in escalating scrotal temperature, as does sauna baths. A man working with a laptop can experience close to degrees celcius increase in scrotal temperature. This results in a drop of close to 40% in sperm producton, thus severely hampering fertility.

There are close to a billion laptops in use worldwide. If you are a regular user, then you should look forward to means of protecting your external genetalia from the heat produced. The first step forward is to place the laptop on a table while you are working. This prevent direct contact with the region.

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