Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Important Sperm Concepts:

Sperm ability is one of the factors that affect sperm quality as well as concentration, morphology, speed, sub-fertility, and sperm count. If for any reason your production in any of these areas is hindered you may have troubles conceiving a child.

Sperm Count:

Sperm count refers to the number of sperms in the fluid that is ejaculated. There are a good over 50 million sperms in a normal ejaculate. There are 20 million to 150 million of sperm per milliliter. A sperm count lower that this indicates that a man maybe suffering from fertility problems.

Sperm Motility:
Sperm motility describes the ability of sperm to move properly towards an egg. Its importance can be understood by the fact that it enables the sperm to travel through the cervical canal, into the uterus and the fallopian tubes and, finally, to penetrate the egg. n healthy sperm, typically more than 50% are active with over 25% moving forcefully in one direction.

Sperm Concentration:
Sperm Concentration which is the measure of the number of sperm cells in a ml. of semen is usually around 22 million sperm cells per ml. of semen.

Sperm Speed:
If the sperm does not have the speed needed then they will die out before reaching the egg. According to the WHO in a healthy male, greater than 25% of sperm will exhibit progressive mobility that will in turn successfully fertilize the egg.

Sub Fertility:
This is different from infertility because it doesn’t mean that you cannot produce sperm, it means that you are having difficult with all of the previous factors. Sub fertility usually results because of injuries to your testicles, low hormone production, past illnesses, or side effects of certain medications.

Sperm Morphology:

A healthy sperm cell resembles a tadpole in its shape. Experts state that an abnormally shaped sperm cannot fertilize an egg.

The Volume of your ejaculation can be enhanced in several ways. A safe and effective powerful way of boosting sperm count and volume is through a herbal pill – MaxoCum –for more information on this effective herbal pill – visit its website –

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