Monday, May 11, 2009

No Medical Help, No expensive medication, Increase sperm count naturally!!

If you and your partner have decided to start a family now and your low sperm count is restricting your way. Then you must read the below information. Low sperm count is one of the major reasons behind infertility. Infertility is the biological inability of a person to contribute to conception. A person can increase his sperm count by a number of ways even without seeking any medical help. Here are some of them:


In order to achieve normal sperm count, one should get rid of certain things which include smoking, processed food and stress. Smoking is hazardous to health in a number of ways causing low sperm count, impotence, cancer, respiratory diseases, and cardiovascular diseases etc. Processed food and any food high in sugar should be avoided as well. Another important factor causing low sperm count is stress which must be kept under control.


It is said that a body which is lacking water will not be able to produce enough sperms. So it is the first thing you should check. Drink a lot of water; at least 8 glass per day helps you to increase your sperm count. Morever try to take healthy and balanced diet. Exercising will also helps you a lot.


According to recent research, vitamins C and E can help raise the sperm count. Zinc and selenium are also helpful in the same. Supplements actually not only helps you to increase your sperm count but also improves your reproductive and sexual health. One such supplement is MaxoCumTM. MaxoCumTM improves the overall quality and quantity of sperm. Also being an herbal supplement, it is free from side effects and is a non-prescription remedy.

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