Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Common Risk Factors of Low Sperm Count

Male infertility and low sperm count has become predominant as a result of our changing lifestyle, environmental toxins and many others.   There are many other causes of low sperm count and cigarette smoking is one of them as it reduces the sperm production and also damages the DNA structure of the sperm and this affects the sperm quality and fertility thereby delaying conception.  Use of cocaine, marijuana can also reduce the sperm count and quality of a man.

Studies reveal that environmental factors which lead to continuous exposure to toxins and chemicals reduce sperm production in men which can hamper the function of the male hormone which creates new sperm.  Stress be it physical or mental also reduces sperm production which is due to the hormonal imbalance created by stress hormones in the body.    Overheating of the testicles like using hot bath tubs, wearing tight underclothes, continuous usage of placing the laptops on your thighs also reduces the sperm count.

Obesity is another fact that could affect your fertility health and hence it is necessary to maintain an optimum body index mass and remain fit.  Studies also reveal that continuous cycling for a long time can affect the quality of the sperm which would make it difficult for a woman to get pregnant.  As a man grows older, it takes time for his partner to get pregnant as compared to when he was younger.  Erectile dysfunction is another cause as it reduces testosterone activity which leads to low sperm production.

To increase your sperm count and quality, avoid smoking, abstain from alcohol, lose weight, avoid stress, reduce exposure to environmental toxins and take a sperm enhancement herbal pill which helps increase you sperm count and volume in a safe and effective way -

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Increase Your Semen Volume with the most effective and safe Herbal Supplement

There are different reasons as to why a man would like to ejaculate more semen volume as they feel that with the increase of the volume of semen gives a more powerful and intense orgasms.  There are others who would like to start a family and therefore they want to increase their semen volume.  To increase semen volume and sperm count, it is very important to have a healthy diet, plenty of exercise, enough sleep and general good habits.  It is therefore necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  A lifestyle which includes a lot of drinking, smoking, use of illegal drugs and stress can cause low semen production.

Herbal sperm enhancement pills which are gaining lot popularity are a safe and effective way of increasing semen volume for whatever reasons.  They are formulated with herbs and vitamins that are required to give the best and optimal semen volume.  Herbal pills present a a lot of benefit to helping you increase the volume and potency of your semen.  Herbal pills are proven to increase ejaculation and sperm count during the ejaculation process.  Herbal sperm enhancement pills will give your partner a chance to feel the sensation of the best orgasm she would ever dream of and with an increased sperm production, you will experience orgasms longer, more satisfying and intensive than before.     Enhance your overall sexual strength and stamina and increase your semen count and production naturally -

Thursday, November 1, 2018

How to Increase Sperm Count, Semen volume and Improve Fertility Naturally

A high sperm volume and count is important to most men to have a satisfying sex life and to conceive a child and he also would feel confident about his manhood.  There are many various reasons for low count which is environmental effects, lifestyle changes, etc. which results in low sperm volume and male infertility.

There are many lifestyle factors that cause infertility and low sperm counts.  You should begin by wearing loose clothing to keep air flow.  Do not wear very tight underwear as this stops the temperature below the belt from rising too high and keeps air moving down there. You should also avoid cigarettes, alcohol, and drugs because all of these can reduce your count. Eat proper foods like fruits and vegetable and avoid foods that have high level of fats in it; have a diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals and zinc as it helps improve the overall reproductive performance.    Avoid alcohol, cigarettes and drugs as these can reduce the sperm count.

If you want to increase your sperm count and semen volume there are many natural remedies available today which have helped many men increase their sperm count naturally.  You can order online as they are convenient and have privacy protection. Look for an effective and safe herbal remedy which boosts your potency, sperm count and volume of ejaculate -

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Improve your overall sexual virility with safe herbal supplements

There are many men who may suffer from lack of sperm motility or the sperm count may be too insignificant to cause a proper ejaculation and this problem of low sperm count and semen volume normally leaves an unsatisfied sexual experience which can result in a physical as well as mental blockade. Men always desire to have large semen volume and stronger organs in order to stay erect and last long in bed.  They also want to increase semen production for various reasons, including higher fertility and longer orgasms, or even just to boost their self-esteem.

The problem of  low sperm count can now be overcome with herbal pills which consist of a variety of essential herbs and vitamins to produce the most effective way to increase your sperm production significantly and make you have stronger, longer orgasms with much more sexual intensity.  The more sperm produced, the bigger the chances of getting your partner pregnant. Natural supplements with a blend of herbs work together as an erection stimulant, dramatically increasing semen production levels and improving overall sexual performance.

There are quite a number of prescription drugs available in the market but it comes with plethora of side effects. Herbal male enhancement capsules do not affect the chemical balance of the body and are absolutely without side effects and promises  a much increased sperm count and better and firmer long-lasting erections and is considered to be the safest for the health.  Besides, they are easily available for those who wish to increase the amount of semen they produce because they are available without prescription.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Herbal remedies for infertility

Infertility is a growing concern where a man is unable to product sperm to make a woman pregnant and can have devastating effects on men as they believe that potency is a sign of strength, power and masculinity.  There are a number of causes behind infertility and treatments like IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination) and IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) have proven successful to induce fertility in many cases but there are a number of failures too.  Another problem is that these treatments involve huge costs and also a lot of physical side effects and emotional stress. Therefore, many couples are opting for herbal remedies to treat infertility as an alternate way of overcoming this problem. Infertility is also due to the lifestyle of the people, too much of drinking, smoking, stress and tension also disturb the hormonal balance leading to erectile dysfunction and low sperm count in men.    

Herbal remedies improve the chances of conception like reducing stress and relaxing the muscles, restoring hormonal balance and enhancing the libido.  These natural supplements that contain herbs improve the sperm motility and count which enhances the chances of conception.  It also reduces the erectile dysfunction by increasing the testosterone levels and also increases the sperm count and motility.  Learn more about an effective sperm enhancement supplement -

Monday, September 17, 2018

Increase your semen volume and sperm count with safe Semen Enhancers

Why would a man want to increase his semen load size? There are many reasons why men want to increase his semen load and women too love a man with bigger ejaculation as it’s a sign of virility and male sexuality.  If there is an increase in the semen volume it has an effect on orgasms too and this can lead to intense orgasms.   Men who can increase semen volume will be more attractive to women because they will appear more fertile and will help couples who want to start a family.  Women will also choose men who ejaculate more as more ejaculate means more sperm and a greater chance of having a baby.  

There are various ways to increase the semen volume as well as the sperm count but herbal enhancement pills are the most effective and a safe way to boost the volume and count.  These pills are gaining a lot of popularity as many men today are opting for herbal pills. These herbal supplements help men ejaculate loads, regain their youth, and obtain stronger orgasm.  Having a bigger load and increasing your sperm count can give you more intense orgasms.

You can now increase your sperm count and seminal load with herbal supplements.  Besides increasing the sperm count and volume it also boosts erection and sexual stamina – try a safe herbal supplement and give pleasure to your woman by an increase in your load as well as sperm count

Friday, August 31, 2018

Increase the Volume of your Ejaculation with herbal pills

A lot of men are interested in increasing their ejaculatory production and women too are more attracted to men that have huge ejaculatory volume and this is because it makes a man seem more potent and virile.  Many times, due to an unsatisfying sex life there are problems in relationships and this could lead to break up too.     Therefore, men must be aware about themselves and how to please themselves and their partner.

There are herbal sperm enhancement supplements that help men to ejaculate more and this makes sex life more pleasurable for both the man and woman. Herbal supplements help increase the ejaculation volume within days and help men perform better.  These pills also help men who want to have children and keep them happy in their marriage.  The ingredients present in the pills helps blood flow to the penis helping men get a firmer erection and a great sex life.  It also boosts the semen volume and increases sperm count.  The other advantage of these herbal pills is that it helps both partners to have stronger orgasms and they are safe with no harmful side effects.  Enjoy your sex life with powerful ejaculations naturally -

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Why is sperm count important?

Sperm count is important as low sperm count generally decreases your self-confidence or sexual gratification level.    Men would love to increase their sperm count in   order to make their sexual life more satisfying and enjoyable. Low sperm count could also affect the fertility of men and this would cause difficulty to couples planning to have a baby.   An increase in sperm count is important because virility is an essential part of your life.  There are various biological and environmental factors which affect sperm count and motility such as age, drug addiction, obesity, smoking, alcohol, cycling, stress and the unhealthy diet and lifestyle.

Men would love to experience pleasurable sex and this would happen if they have a large amount of sperm and an increased ejaculation which will make him as well as his partner happy.  They feel than an increase in their semen volume is the sign of their manliness, and that will help him with a blissful sexual life.

There are herbal sperm enhancement supplements that are very effective and safe unlike other products that may not deliver satisfying results and can cause side effects too.  Take an effective supplement that delivers what it promises like large semen volume, potency, and stronger orgasms  -

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Enjoy large ejaculation for a pleasurable sex

 In every man's life there have been time where he had truly intense and incredible orgasms; however in most men an explosive and mind-blowing orgasm doesn't happen every time due to numerous factors like genetics, age, eating habits, health etc. The larger the amount of semen produced, the higher the possibility of conception. Infertility can become an emotional problem that affects   couples and the major cause of male infertility is due to a low sperm count and the failure to produce enough healthy sperm. Azoospermia (complete absence of sperm in the semen) and Oligospermia (in which too few sperm are produced) both cause infertility.

Men always desire to have high volume of sperm as they think they are sexually more attractive and have a better self-esteem and an increase in their sexual confidence.   For a lot of men, having increased sperm signifies having bigger ejaculations.   

There are herbal sperm enhancement supplements available which are guaranteed to increase the semen volume as well as the sperm count and also helps improve the sperm motility which enhances male fertility.  These herbal pills which are affordable are completely safe and without side-effects and help you to experience improved fertility, powerful ejaculations, intensified orgasms, highly sexual stimulation and you will achieve the feeling of complete euphoria much more frequently. Know more about the best sperm enhancement supplement -

Friday, July 6, 2018

Experience more satisfying sex with natural sperm enhancement supplements

The major cause of male infertility is failure to produce enough healthy sperm. Azoospermia (complete absence of sperm in the semen) and Oligospermia (in which too few sperm are produced) both cause infertility.   According to a recent study an average man should produce 2-5 ml of semen per ejaculation and anything less or more than this count is abnormal. Sperm count should also not be less than 20 million per ml for a man to be considered fertile.

Low sperm count is often related with a sexual experience which is not satisfactory and pleasurable, which may result in a physical as well as mental blockade. Every man wants to have more sperms that lead to a strong explosion and an intense orgasm to satisfy his partner. To have a satisfying sexual experience a man needs to have a stronger and long lasting erection aided with an intense orgasm and the volume of sperm that he ejaculates decides the degree of satisfaction for both the partners.   A bigger load is definitely linked with increased libido, fertility and sexual ability but how to enhance the ejaculation volume is a main concern amongst men since ages.   A  large, thick amount of ejaculate increases the confidence in a man as he can fully satisfy his partner only if he has the ability to perform.    Low sperm count affects the fertility of men which would cause a difficulty to couples planning to have a baby.

Sperm enhancement herbal supplements which are gaining a lot of popularity today can help you to enhance your sperm in a natural way.    These herbal pills increases semen production levels and improves overall sexual performance in a safe and effective way.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Increase Sperm Count and Fertility naturally

There are many reasons why women find it difficult and are unable to get pregnant and one of the reasons is having a low sperm count.  Men can increase their sperm count and semen volume naturally by having a diet that is high in zinc and Vitamin E because of its anti-oxidant effect helps the sperm to be more fertile and stronger.  Eat avocados, eggs, sweet potatoes and apples for Vitamin E.  Semen contains a lot of zinc and when a man ejaculates he loses a lot of it and as zinc is an important nutrient in sperm production it is essential to replace the zinc that is lost.  Shellfish, pine buts, eggs, cashew nuts, oysters, liver and fish contain zinc and hence it is important to eat these foods.

Another problem for low sperm count is when the temperature of the testicles is raised too high and hence wears loose fitting underwear like boxers and avoid laptop usage to avoid high heat in the groin area.  You can also try having a warm bath for half an hour every night which will help lower the temperature and thus increase the sperm production. Sperm count is highest in the morning and hence make love in the mornings and try to give a gap of 2-3 days before having sex.  Alcohol, smoking and caffeine have an effect on sperm production.

Herbal supplements for increasing semen count have gained a lot of popularity as the herbs contained in it improves the body functions especially the reproductive area.    They increase the sperm volume as well as the semen count effectively with no side effects.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Reasons for Low Semen Volume and Sperm Count

Many men today have been experiencing fertility issues and this is due to environmental and lifestyle that one leads.  To increase sperm count it is very important to have a good diet and eliminate processed foods which are high in sugar or caffeine content.  Instead have healthy foods that are high in zinc, antioxidants and amino acids that help to boost semen volume and sperm count.  Body temperature plays an important role in sperm production and if the temperature of the testes rises it is bad for sperm. Hence try and avoid hot showers and saunas and wear loose fitting pants and boxers.  
If a man is stressed and anxious, this can also lower your sperm levels so it is important to keep stress out of our life as stress causes change in hormonal levels and the nutrients are lost which are needed for sperm production.  To lower stress, exercise regularly by taking a walk or doing yoga and meditation.

The best way is to take herbal sperm enhancement supplements which are gaining a lot of popularity as they increases the sperm count as well as the semen volume in a safe and effective way.  Try herbal sperm enhancement supply and notice the increase in the volume as well as the semen count.   

Monday, May 14, 2018

Increase Semen Volume by taking proper foods

To increase the semen volume and quality of the sperm, it is important to eat the right kinds of food.   Have a proper diet and change unhealthy eating habits can help increase semen levels.  Have foods that have the necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids that help boost semen production.

Consumption of enough water every day is very important for the proper functioning of the body and in order to increase semen level one should not be dehydrate and have enough of water.  Zinc not only helps in increasing the semen levels but also makes the sperm healthy. Foods that contain zinc are oysters, nuts, almonds, eggs, pulses, sea food and meat which help in enhancing semen quality as well as producing healthy sperm.  Oatmeal is very good as it contains necessary zinc and amino acids for proper semen production.  All types of fruits and vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, avocado and leafy green vegetables, okra are also good for increasing semen volume.

Avoid spicy and salty food, caffeine, cigarettes and alcohol as they are bad for semen volume and quality.  Sleep well, keep your weight under control and exercise regularly to keep your body fit and healthy.

Taking a  sperm enhancing supplement also helps in increasing the semen volume and sperm count effectively and also improve the quality of sperms.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Herbal supplements for low sperm count and large semen volume

Low sperm count or oligospermia is the main cause for male infertility; if a male has less than 20 million spermatozoa in 1 ml of semen, it is considered as low sperm count.       There are many reasons which cause low sperm count lifestyle related issues, psychological factors as well as physical disorders.  Too much stress can alter hormonal balance in a male's body which can affect the number of sperms in semen to promote infertility. Men suffering from early ejaculation, erectile dysfunction can also promote the problem of low sperm count. Wearing tight fitting clothes,   exposure of testicles to heat like in sauna bath or hot water tub bath, too much bicycling and improper diet all can cause low sperm count.  Smoking, too much alcohol intake and obesity are other reasons which can decrease sperm count.

However low sperm count can be treated effectively through herbal sperm enhancing supplements.   Since it contains all natural ingredients there are no side effects in taking these supplements.  It increases sperm count as well as the semen volume, promotes blood flow to the male genitals, improves the immunity system, sexual stamina, potency and gives stronger orgasms.  These herbal supplements addresses all the problems related to low sperm count.  Take an effective   herbal supplement to increase your sperm count and semen volume naturally with no side effects  

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

How to increase sperm count and fertility

Low sperm count is one of the reasons why your partner is getting difficult to get pregnant.  There are natural ways that helps increase sperm count and volume which would make you become a parent faster.

First one should follow a healthy diet and have a diet high in Vitamin E and zinc which are essential in sperm production.  Eat foods like avocados, eggs, peanuts, apples, oysters, shellfish, pecan nuts, cashew nuts, liver and fish.  Raw sunflower seeds also help increase a man’s sperm count.

Sperm count is highest in the morning as your body is recharged and no much energy is used elsewhere so make love in the morning or early afternoon..  Limit yourself to a break for few days before having sex as if a man ejaculates less many sperm can be produced and there is more ejaculation.  Avoid alcohol, caffeine and smoking as it affects sperm production.

Testicle overheating is another problem and this kills live sperm and lessens the amount of sperm during ejaculation.  You should wear boxers and avoid heat in the groin area; even the use of laptop can increase the temperature.  Having lukewarm bath every night helps lower the temperature and increases sperm production.

There are natural sperm enhancing supplements that are completely safe and helps increase the semen count and sperm volume effectively – Enjoy your sex life and increase the chances of having a baby

Friday, March 30, 2018

Increase Your Semen count and volume: Experience pleasurable sex with natural sperm enhancement supplements

If you want to start a family and she is having difficulty in conceiving, then low sperm count may be the problem.  To help start a family you should know what causes low sperm count.   Being obese and having an unfit body is one of the causes of low sperm count; to have a fit and healthy body you should stop smoking, alcohol and drug use which brings your semen count low.  Start by exercising regularly – do a brisk half an hour walk and some cardiovascular exercises which can help you boost your sperm levels.  Eat a well balanced diet of vegetables, fruits, fish, chicken and proteins.

There are herbal sperm enhancing supplements available which are formulated to help men increase their sperm volume as well as semen count.  They contain all essential potent herbs that overcome the problem of low semen count and volume.  They do not need a prescription and are safe and effective which will also help you improve your sex life.   These herbal supplements help you produce more semen which results in an intense orgasm which increases your sexual stamina and make you feel more virile and also helps in conceiving. Read more about an effective sperm enhancer which help to boost semen volume and sperm count naturally and safely.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

What is Low Sperm Count?

Men worry that if their sperm count, which is one of the common tests to determine his fertility, is low then the chances of having a child will be diminished.  The average low count is 10 million active sperm cells per milliliter of fluid.  However, in some cases men having a quantity of sperm of two to five million per milliliter can also become parents. , who have been capable of becoming parents. Low sperm count can be caused due to the lifestyle and diet that one is having.

You can increase low semen volume and boost the amount of sperm no matter what your age though it does decrease with age. Men enjoy sex and give pleasure to their women when they have an increased semen volume as producing high amounts of semen when ejaculating is considered manly and the women too are happy when a man produces more sperm for her.

A man can now improve his sperm count and increase semen volume by having a healthy diet, staying hydrated, exercising, cutting down on alcohol and cigarettes and delay ejaculation.  There are sperm enhancing herbal supplements which are gaining popularity as these pills are effective and safe.  You will notice an increase in your sperm count and semen volume by taking these herbal supplements – to know more visit

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Low Semen Volume & Weak Sperm Count

Sperm and semen levels do decrease with age but now you can increase your low semen volume with herbal sperm enhancement supplements.  Both men and women don't like weak ejaculation and there are various natural ways to increase the amount of semen that you ejaculate.

You should improve your diet and not eat fast food such as burgers and fries and have a diet rich in proteins, vegetables and low in carbs.  Exercise also helps semen volume as it boosts the testosterone levels which are the main sexual hormone and which decreases as a man grows older. Regular exercise is important for your sperm quality and quantity. Drinking plenty of water and fruit juices helps the sperm to become more fluid and can increase the volume if all else is well. Controlling and delaying ejaculation is very important for semen. Cut down drinking alcohol and smoking as semen can be negatively impacted by it.  Read more about an effective sperm enhancing supplement

Friday, January 19, 2018

How to Increase Sperm Count and Semen Production

Having a high sperm count and large semen volume is important to many men because it shows their manliness and virility. Men are now trying to find out how to increase their sperm count.  There are various ways to increase sperm count to help gain your sexual confidence.  Research indicates that the average sperm count is declining and this is due to many reasons.

One should lead a healthy lifestyle and have a diet that helps improve your sperm count.  Try to include multivitamins in your diet with a high concentration of zinc. Another way to help improve your low count involves wearing loose clothes and avoid tight underwear.  Wearing loose clothes will keep air moving down by your genitals. It is especially important to avoid tight underwear; air flow will keep your testicles at the proper temperature for high sperm production.

Avoid   cigarettes, drugs and alcohol and eat the right kind of foods like vegetables, fruits and   avoid unhealthy junk or fatty foods. There are natural herbal remedies which help increase your sperm count and boost your confidence.  Learn more about herbal sperm enhancement supplements  that help you increase your sperm count and semen volume in an effective and safe way.
t automatically without you putting any effort from your side. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Produce more Sperm Volume naturally

Many men want to improve and produce more sperm volume; some want to get the thrill to ejaculate more and others want to improve male fertility.  By increasing your sperm volume you can also increase your sperm count thereby enhancing your fertility.  Bigger sperm loads give you stronger and longer orgasms for sexual pleasure.  Women also are happy with an increased ejaculation as they derive sexual pleasure.

There are various ways to increase your sperm count and volume.  If you are 40 years your level of testosterone should increase as this helps in hard erections and powerful ejaculations. You should exercise regularly, reduce your stress levels and take sperm enhancement supplements which help increase the level of testosterone.  Sperm Enhancement Supplements are made up of various herbs and vitamins to help produce more sperms and improve sperm quality. They can help you to have harder erections and therefore stronger ejaculations and better orgasms.  It also increases sperm production and is known to increase fertility.  Try an effective herbal sperm enhancement supplement which produces and increases your sperm volume and count without any side effects.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Herbal supplement for dealing with Male Infertility

Low sperm count or oligospermia is one of the major reasons for male infertility. In most of the cases it can be overcome successfully with the use of herbs and herbal supplements. Although only a single sperm is necessary to fertilize female egg but the likelihood of sperm getting to the egg reduces in the situation of a low sperm count. There are many causes of low sperm count in males mainly relating to life style related and psychological factors.

Excessive stress can also cause hormonal imbalance in a male's body which affects the number of sperms causing infertility. Other sexual issues like ED can also lead to low sperm count. Adding to it, wearing tight fitting clothes, exposure to heat and hot water tub bath can also lead to this problem.
Other causes contributing to low sperm count include environmental pollutants; smoking, excessive alcohol intake and weight gain.

Herbal supplements are effective ways to deal with alleviating the problem of low sperm count as they work without causing any harm or side effects. Herbs contain natural fertility boosting elements that restore hormonal balance, improve stamina and promote vigor. Owing to its immense properties which are very valuable for male's sexual health it can not only help with boosting sperm count but also for overcoming other sexual problems.