Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Herbs For Improving Male and Female Fertility!!

Nature has flooded with a number of useful and potent herbs that can naturally increase your fertility. All well known herbal products for curbing infertility problem make use of these herbs to deliver best results. Some of these herbs are listed below:

 Black Cohosh:

This herb is a phytoestrogen which treats swings, hot flashes and vaginal dryness associated with menopause. Phytoestrogen are actually non-steroidal, plant derivatives that enhance estrogen receptors in various parts of the body.

 Evening Primrose Oil (EPO):

EPO enhance the production of more fertile quality cervical fluid which is known as “egg white cervical mucus”. This fluid is thin, watery and clear that helps the sperm to swim through the uterus, into the fallopian tube and then to the egg easily.

 Ginseng:

It improves male fertility, fights against male impotence and stimulates the immune system. Furthermore it also increases testosterone level, sperm count and motility.

 Pycnogenol:

This herb consists of procyanidins, bioflavonoids and organic acids, making it a super antioxidant. The antioxidant improves the quality of sperm in men with fertility problems

 Saw Palmetto:

It strengthens the male reproductive system with its tissue building and gland stimulating properties. This herb is used to curb male impotence, low libido and prostate inflammations.

 Flaxseed Oil:

Flaxseed oil helps to keep sperm healthy and curb male impotence. It is an amazing supplement which should be taken when a couple is trying to conceive a child.

 Withania Somnifera:

It provides relief in stressful situation. This herb helps in maintaining healthy muscles and bones together with healthy reproductive system.

 Mucuna Puriens:

It assists in a number of conditions like Parkinson's disease, infertility, and low libido.

 Asparagus adscendens:

It treats infertility, menopausal problems, hyperacidity, stomach ulcers and bronchial infections. This herb also improves low libido.

 Tribulus terrestris:

Tribulus is most often used for infertility, impotence, and low libido. In the last decade, it has become popular to improve sports performance.

1 comment:

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